FormatDates/TimesThe Chess Power Team National Finals is run with three separate divisions - the Junior Divison, the Intermediate Division and the Senior Division. All divisions will be run on the same day. You can access event details including the qualifiers to date for the Chess Power ONSITE Team National Finals or the Chess Power ONLINE Team National Finals events. The starting time of the first round will be 9 am sharp (participating schools must arrive and register before then) and the Presentation of prizes will conclude at 5:30 pm. GamesThe “Swiss Format” ensures that all students will play against players of a similar standard; we expect both novice players and experts to enjoy a fun, learning and social experience. |
If a player wins a game, they score 1.0 point. In the subsequent game they play against a harder opponent. If a player draws a game, they score 0.5 points. In the subsequent game they play against a similar opponent. If a player loses a game, they score 0.0 points. In the subsequent game they play against an easier opponent.
(Where possible) students from the same school will not compete against each other.
Each game will be timed, with a maximum of 15 minutes per player, per game (see Rules for Players).
The Junior division is for players from Year 1 through to Year 6 (students must be between 5 to 11 years old)
The Intermediate division is for players from Year 7 - Year 8 (students must be between 11 to 13 years old)
The Senior (Open) division is for players from Year 9 – Year 13 (students must be between 13 to 18 years old)
Players in any division will not play any players from any other division. Each division is separated effectively into individual tournaments.
All qualified schools will be offered a place. Applications from teams that have failed to qualify may be considered. To apply email nationalfinalsapplication@chesspower.co.nz.
Your school must qualify to gain entry into the National Finals. Qualfication for a division occurs by a school having a winning team in a Zonal Interschools Event. Refer the our Interschool Prizes section to understand how you can qualify for the National Finals.
If you qualify for Nationals, you can use any players in your National Team - players do not necessarily have to be the ones that achieved qualification.
Team Entry Fee for the Chess Power Interschools National Finals event is $300 (plus GST). A Team is deemed to consist of 5 to 8 players (based on the number of Zone wins) and a minimum of 1 supervising adult. Note: School's must enter a minimum of 4 players to compete in the Team Nationals.
All events are run by, and fees payable to, Chess Power Ltd, P.O. 21535, Henderson 0650, Auckland.
You will receive an official invitation to compete if you have qualified. You will receive an official Tax Invoice from our office as soon as all your details have been finalized. You are required to pay this Invoice in full by Friday 24 September. This can be paid by Bank Transfer or cheque (funds must have cleared before the event).
Late payments may result in your entry being refused and will incur a $25 penalty if accepted.
Withdrawals after 24 September will incur a $100 administration fee.
Bank Details: Chess Power Ltd
ASB 12-3139-0063691-00
Cheques can be posted to P.O. Box 21535, Henderson 0650, Auckland
Each school must provide parents or teachers (minimum 1 per team) who are responsible for supervision of participants for the duration of the event. Chess Power provides staff to organise the event, but not for child supervision.
Photographs will be taken at each event and published in the local or state media, website, newsletter, magazine or used in future advertising materials. Sometimes we’re even lucky enough to have TV cameras take footage for the news! By entering this event you agree that all students in your team understand and accept this condition.
Should any students NOT wish to be photographed we must be notified in writing prior to start of the event.
Subsequent to the event, results will be published on our website. These results display the name of each player, final score and school represented. By entering this event you are giving us permission to publish results online.
We will endeavour to comply with all privacy related requests.
Player RulesThe rules of play for Nationals are identical to the Interschool Tournament rules. |
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Schools who are not satisfied with an arbiter's decision on the day may lodge a formal appeal. This must be in writing and come from the school teacher or chess co-ordinator in charge. Appeals for the National Finals must be post marked within 2 business days following the event.
When lodging an appeal please include:
a) Description of the situation
b) The decision that was made and how that affected you/your team
c) What actions you'd like taken to resolve the situation
d) Your contact details
Appeals should be emailed to appeals@chesspower.co.nz.
Team scores are calculated by summing the points of the Top 4 scoring players from each school at the end of play. Ties are broken by including the 5th highest score, then the 6th and so on until the tie is broken. Teams finishing in 1st - 3rd place in each division will receive trophies. The winning team in the Junior division will be crowned the Chess Power Interschool National Junior Division Champions. The winning team in the Intermediate division will be crowned the Chess Power Interschool National Intermediate Division Champions. The winning team in the Senior division witll be crowned the Chess Power Interschool National Senior Champions. |
Each winning team will receive a trophy that can be proudly placed at the schools' premises. Each team-members' names will be engraved on the trophy.
Individuals who finish in the top 3 places in each division will be recognised. Also the top girls in each division will be recognised.
Certificates will be awarded to every player on the following basis:
Distinction 7.0 points or more
Excellence 6.5 or 6.0 points
Credit 5.5 or 5.0 points
Merit 4.5 or below
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