Program Features - So what is involved?
Students will take part in as many of the following activities as they are able. We understand kids have lots of commitments to sport, music, school and have different amounts of time to devote to chess.
Everything we do will be posted on the NZ Chess Academy website for students to download and review. This makes it a valuable experience for players who are in regional areas or on holiday and cannot get to any weekly in-person training-meets.
We have broken Chess down into a number of key learning areas. Typically each session will be made up of multiple learning areas in a single session so kids get lots of variety. It is important for us to work within the limits of the attention span of the child. Each learning area will have a practical hands-on component so students can apply what they have learned.
Through the programme hundreds of professionally edited videos will be made available to students. You can view a
few examples of some training videos in each of the learning areas.
- 90 minute formal training session each week (in-person)
- 45 minute online lesson each week (with International Master Robert Jamieson)
- Assessments each quarter with feedback for tracking progress
- Play and receive coaching at approved weekend events during the year (adult/open events)
- Coaching at the NZ Junior Chess Championships
- Online resources and access to all lessons for review
- Access by email and Skype to your Coach
- Training Squad Uniform including Shirt & Jacket
- Complimentary Scorebooks and Pens for recording games
- Active participation in the Youth Chess League
- Students will have the opportunity to play chess online with other squad members.
- All the students' games can be stored in an online chess database for viewing later.
- From time to time they can participate in mini-tournaments amongst squad members and other academy groups.
View "Stage 1" learning outcomes - for players rated from 600 - 900 points
View "Stage 2" learning outcomes - for players rated above 900 points
Coaching at Tournament Events
As part of the program will be provide you with coaching at the following approved events. You will need to make sure you register directly with the tournament organisers/club for any events which you are taking part in - and then let us know that you've registered. Chess Power will not be registering for you.
A coach will be available at each of the events listed to provide game analysis, preparation, coaching, psychological and moral support as well as limited supervision. Squad members are encouraged to participate in at least 3 (three) Open Weekender events each year. If you are keen to participate in an event which is not listed, talk to your coach about what we can do to support you.
You are required to wear your Training Squad uniform at all events.
View the list of Approved Chess Tournaments.
Where to from here?