This is a Junior & Intermediate tournament, and is open to Year 1-6 & Year 7-8 students.
Due to the Team Nationals moving online, schools are able to enter additional players into the online event, up to the maximum allowed number of participants (i.e. the maximum number of players x 2). The entry fee would apply for each team entered (i.e. $150 x 2). For example: A team that has qualified to enter 5 players for Nationals, could enter 10 players in their online team (i.e. their onsite players + their online players).
Should you wish to transfer from the onsite event to the online event or withdraw your entry, please send an email to: and include the team name or players name/s you wish to transfer/withdraw. (Note when transferring to the online event, the players will need to login on the day, using the same login details that they were registered with)
View the Online Team Nationals 2021 WELCOME LETTER
Online Tournaments:
PLEASE MAKE SURE TO WATCH THE TEACHERS/PARENTS BRIEFING - Passcode: Nationals2021! Which covers topics relating to registration, event information, online event rules etc.
- IMPORTANT go to our ONLINE EVENT RULES page for online event rules and information on how to connect to the tournament.
- ALL Players MUST be registered on the Tornelo website.
- Students will need to sign in to Tornelo using the same login details that they were registered with.
- Each player will need their own device (Laptop, iPad or Tablet).
- All players will be required to keep their cameras on throughout the tournament.
- You will be sent a Zoom Link and a Tornelo link prior to the tournament (the same link that is used for registering for the tournament). The Zoom link connects students to the Video/Audio and Tornelo connects students to their games.
Tournament Registration
If your school has qualified it will be listed above with the number of places you have qualified for. An invitation letter will also be sent to you. The CUT OFF for registration is: Monday, 22 November 2021.
You should send a minimum of four players up to the stated maximum number of places you have qualified for.
Watch this video to learn how to check-in and play your games. If you are stuck, email or for urgent help, txt 021 0271 5577.
Payment Options
The fee for Nationals is $150+GST per team. You will be sent an invoice which must be paid before the 26th of November.
Payment options are;
Pay to ASB Bank Ltd
Particulars: Nationals2020
Reference: [Your School Name]
For any queries regarding payment please contact:
Further Questions?
If you have any questions about the Chess Power Interschools National Finals event, please read the National Finals section of our Interschools FAQ or fill in the enquiry form below.