Regionals FAQ

Regionals Prize Winners

A Chess Power Interschools Tournament is a compelling and outstanding experience for every child that enters. To be part of a school's chess team is to be acknowledged as one of the smartest brains in the school.

The sound of silence as bright young minds battling it out over chessboards is what makes kids chess so special and exciting. There is no other school experience like an interschool chess tournament.

Chess Power Interschools Tournaments are great preparation ground for NZCF Interschool Tournaments. They are also held more regularly - there is typically an Interschools event held in Term 2 and Term 3 in your area no matter where you are located in NZ.

Interschool Chess Tournaments offer these great benefits:

  • All kids get to play kids at their own level. The way this works is that if a kid loses their first game they play another kid that has also lost their first game. And so on.
  • Players that lose games, are more likely to eventually win a game as the tournament progresses, even if they are a complete beginner.
  • Each player is guaranteed a total of at least 6 games on the day
  • Each player receives a Certificate recognising their achievement
  • Exceptional players are rewarded with medals
  • Each player represents their school with winning schools within a Zone qualifying for the National Finals
  • The entry fees are as follows:
EQI Score RangePrice per student
Host School  $6
Rookies (years 1-6 only)  $11
EQI Band 1 344 - 402 $28
EQI Band 2 403 - 428 $25
EQI Band 3429 - 447 $22
EQI Band 4448 - 469 $19
EQI Band 5470 - 494 $16
EQI Band 6495 - 521 $13
EQI Band 7522 - 569 $10

  • The winning team for an Interschool Zone gains entry into the Chess Power Interschool National Finals. Read the National Finals FAQ to learn more.
  • The top 3 players in each division (Junior, Intermediate & Senior) gain entry into the Champions Trophy.

Regionals Shaking Hands

View our FAQs below to understand all the rules, qualifcation criteria and tournament format.

Check out our upcoming events to find a tournament your child, student or school can enter.

View our Event Results page to find results of recent events and learn how to interpret the restuls of chess events.


  • Find out about the format of the tournament including Registration Timing, Tournament structure, the points system and divisions within the Interschools tournament
  • Details of how to reserve places, submit a player list and modify confirmed entries.
  • A break-down of the costs for entering regional events for host and non-host schools.
  • Each school must provide parents or teachers (minimum 1 per each 15 students) who are responsible for supervision of participants for the duration of the event.
  • The arbiter for each day will clearly explain all rules before the start of play. It is expected that there will be a significant proportion of players in every event who have minimal or zero tournament experience.
  • Team scores are calculated by summing the points of the Top 4 scoring players from each school at the end of play. Ties are broken by including the 5th highest score, then the 6th and so on until the tie is broken.
  • Learn more about the National Finals qualification criteria, awards and format.
  • Understand the regions that are covered by Chess Power interschool events

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