Chess Power ONSITE Champions Trophy

Sunday 26 October 2025
09:00 AM - 05:30 PM

An invitation only event for qualifying individuals, aimed at finding the best junior chess players in NZ!

The Champions Trophy qualifiers list including the criteria required to qualify for the event will be published before the first Friday of each month for all qualifiers in the month prior and earlier. The link will be available here.  


          Note: Refunds cannot be provided after the registration close-off date as we have expended costs for resources at that point.

You can also click the Register Now link to see which schools have already registered.

If you are stuck, email or for urgent help, txt 021 0271 5577.

Entry Fees:

The fee for the Champions Trophy is $81.60 (inclusive of GST) per player.

Payment is made through Tornelo (the entry website)

For any queries regarding payment please contact:


15 minutes/move per player. 9 rounds.

Further Details

    • ONLY the players listed on the above qualifiers list can take part in the Champions Trophy.
    • See the Prizes page to get a better understanding of which students qualify for the Chess Power Champions Trophy.
    • Each school must provide parents or teachers (minimum 1 per each 15 students) who are responsible for supervision of participants for the duration of the event. See the Terms & Conditions page for more information.
Catering on the day is generally provided by food trucks at the venue. More information will be detailed in the welcome letter as we lead up to the event.

Further Questions?

If you have any questions about the Chess Power Champions Trophy, please read the National Finals section of our Interschools FAQ or email:

Venue: Auckland

The venue is still is the process of being confirmed.
The venue will be in Auckland, reasonably close to the Auckland Domestic Airport. 

Make an Enquiry


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