The following list shows all the players that have qualified for the Champions Trophy 2024. This list has been updated till 29 SEP.
A qualifier can enter either the Onsite Champions Trophy event or the ONLINE Champions Trophy event.
The qualifiers are comprised of...
Go to the ONLINE Champions Trophy 2024 Tournament page
Go to the Onsite Champions Trophy 2024 Tournament page
# | Name | Event | Division | Place | Term |
200 | Finn Morgan-Cao | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
201 | fiyaan Thakkar | May Invercargill Regionals | junior | 3rd | 2 |
202 | Florence Salazar | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
203 | Fox Mosen | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
204 | Fynn Still | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
205 | Gabriel Williams | June Hamilton Regionals | Rookie | 1st | 2 |
206 | George Farman | May Wairarapa Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
207 | George Miller | May Nelson Regional | junior | 3rd | 2 |
208 | Giacomo Wong | July Northland Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
209 | Grace Read | March Checkmate challenge | junior | 3rd | 1 |
210 | Great Boyou Lau | Feb Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 1st | 1 |
211 | Great Boyou Lau | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 3 |
212 | Greta Thompson | May West coast Regional | Senior | Top Girl | 2 |
213 | Gubrielle Besa | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
214 | Gubrielle Besa | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
215 | Guido Fiorenzi | June Hauraki Plains (Ngatea) Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
216 | Hadrian Lee | May Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
217 | Hamish Gunn | May West coast Regional | Senior | 3rd | 2 |
218 | Hannah Yang | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
219 | Hannah Yang | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
220 | Hannes Van Niekerk | May Christchurch Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
221 | Hanyu (Henson) Zhu | Sep Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
222 | Harry Blackman | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
223 | Hasanli Hewa Babaranda | May Invercargill Regionals | Senior | Top Girl | 2 |
224 | Hasanli Hewa Babaranda | Aug Invercargill Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
225 | Hugh Masters | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
226 | Huiyi (Janice) Shi | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | top Girl | 3 |
227 | Huiyi (Janice) Shi | Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
228 | Hunter Pou | June Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
229 | Hunter Russell | May Taupo Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
230 | Hunter Russell | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
231 | Hunter Russell | Sep Taupo Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
232 | Hunter Williams | Aug West Coast Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
233 | Ian Chen | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
234 | Ian MacKechnie | May Auckland South & East Cluster Tournament | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
235 | Immanuel Huwald | June Hauraki Plains (Ngatea) Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
236 | Isa Mann | May Christchurch Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
237 | Isa Mann | Aug Christchurch Regionals | junior | Top girl | 3 |
238 | Isa Martin | May West coast Regional | junior | Top Girl | 2 |
239 | Isaac Temple-Doig | May Christchurch Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
240 | Isabella Edgar | Aug Nelson Regionals | intermediate | Top Girl | 2 |
241 | Isaiah Heta | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
242 | Ishan Singh | March Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 1 |
243 | Ishtar Tse | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | Top girl | 2 |
244 | Jack Barnes | Aug Sarapu Cup ROTORUA | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
245 | Jack Ward | April Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
246 | Jack Ward | June Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
247 | Jack Ward | Sep Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
248 | Jack Ward | May Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
249 | Jacob Chen | May Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
250 | Jacob Christie | May Dunedin Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
251 | Jacob Haughey | Feb Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 3rd | 1 |
252 | Jacob Haughey | May Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 2nd | 2 |
253 | Jacob Haughey | July Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
254 | Jacob Haughey | Sep Hamilton Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
255 | Jacob Miller | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
256 | Jacob Roper | May West coast Regional | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
257 | Jaden Lee | May Howick Schools (including Pakuranga) Cluster Tournament | junior | 2nd | 2 |
258 | Jake Newton | May Whanganui Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
259 | James Fisken | May Invercargill Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
260 | James Gorrie | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
261 | James Hobbs | Aug Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 3 |
262 | James Hobbs | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
263 | James Hobbs | Aug Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 3 |
264 | James McGregor | April Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 3rd | 1 |
265 | James Michael | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
266 | James Michael | Sep Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
267 | James Michael | Sep Taupo Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
268 | Japneet Singh | May Auckland South & East Cluster Tournament | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
269 | Jasmine Lai | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
270 | Jason Lam | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 3 |
271 | Jason Xie | May Christchurch Regionals | Senior | 3rd | 2 |
272 | Jaxon Lafaele | May Whanganui Regionals | junior | 3rd | 2 |
273 | Jaxon Lafaele | June Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
274 | Jaxon Lafaele | Sep Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
275 | Jay Lee | May Wairarapa Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
276 | Jay Majurey | June Hauraki Plains (Ngatea) Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
277 | Jayce Renata | March Checkmate challenge | junior | 2nd | 1 |
278 | Jayden Hsu | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
279 | Jayden Peng | July Auckland Regionals North | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
280 | Jayden Xin | March Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | Tied 3rd | 1 |
281 | Jayden Yang | April Checkmate challenge | junior | 1st | 1 |
282 | Jayden Yang | May Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
283 | Jayden Yang | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
284 | Jayden Zhang | May West Auckland Cluster Tournament | junior | 3rd | 2 |
285 | Jayjun Lee | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
Jeffery Liang | May Taupo Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 | |
286 | Jemima Brown | May Devonport Cluster Tournament | junior | Top girl | 2 |
287 | Jemima Brown | June Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 2nd | 3 |
288 | Jeremiah Tutagalevao | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
289 | Jeremy Coombe | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 2 |
290 | Jeremy Ye | Sep Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
291 | Jeridiya Arockiyaraj | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
292 | Jerome Haines | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
293 | Jian Torres | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
294 | Jingwei Xu | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
295 | JM Ayaan Vasudeva | Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | Senior | 1st | 2 |
296 | JM Eric Mironov | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
297 | JM Huankai (eden) Xu | Feb Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
298 | JM Ishaan Singh | April Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 1 |
299 | JM Ishaan Singh | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
300 | JM Joshua Barnes | Feb Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 1 |
301 | JM Joshua Barnes | March Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
302 | JM Joshua Barnes | April Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 1 |
303 | JM Joshua Barnes | Aug Sarapu Cup ROTORUA | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
304 | JM Joshua Barnes | Sep Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
305 | JM Joshua Barnes | May Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
306 | JM Kaeden Govender | June Hamilton Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
307 | JM Kaeden Govender | Sep Hamilton Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
308 | JM Koki Hara | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
309 | JM Koki Hara | March Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 3rd | 1 |
310 | JM Koki Hara | April Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
311 | JM Koki Hara | Sep Tauranga Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
312 | JM Koki Hara | May Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 2st | 3 |
313 | JM Nathan Sun | April Checkmate challenge | Senior | 2nd | 1 |
314 | JM Nathan Sun | March Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
315 | JM Nathan Sun | June Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
316 | JM Nathan Sun | Aug Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
317 | JM Oscar Cui | June Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 1st | 3 |
318 | JM Oscar M Petersen | March Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 1st | 1 |
319 | JM Oscar M Petersen | May Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
320 | JM Pranav Shenoy | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
321 | JM Victor Coen | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
322 | JM Victor Coen | Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
323 | JM Victor Coen | July Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 2 |
324 | Jo Gentle | May Taupo Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
325 | Jo Gentle | May Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
326 | Joe Mathis | May Taupo Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
327 | John Hao | May Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | 3rd | 2 |
328 | Jonathan Xia | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 3rd | 3 |
329 | Jonathan Xia | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 3 |
330 | Jonathan Zhou | July Checkmate challenge | junior | 3rd | 2 |
331 | Jonathan Zhou | June Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
332 | Jonathan Zhou | Aug Sarapu Cup North shore | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
333 | Jorjee Jennings | Aug Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
334 | Jorjee Jennings | Sep Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
335 | Joshua Lieser | March Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 1 |
336 | Joshua Lieser | April Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 1 |
337 | Joshua Lieser | May Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 2 |
338 | Joshua Lieser | June Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 3 |
339 | Joshua Lieser | July Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 3rd | 3 |
340 | Joshua Lieser | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 3 |
341 | Joshua Lieser | Aug Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 3 |
342 | Joshua Lieser | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 3 |
343 | Joshua Pomare | May Northland Regional | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
344 | Joshua Pomare | July Northland Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
345 | Joshya Banker | June Rotorua Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
346 | Joshya Banker | Sep Rotorua Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
347 | Josiah Baker | Sep Hauraki Plains Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
348 | Julian Estrada | June Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 3 |
349 | Juliana Salazar | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | top Girl | 2 |
350 | Junfan Yao | July Checkmate challenge | junior | 2nd | 2 |
351 | Jurij Firm | Sep Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
352 | Jurij Firm | Sep Tauranga Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 3 |
353 | Justin Zhide Wang | July Auckland Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
354 | Justin Zhide Wang | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
355 | Kähu Newton | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
356 | Kairakau Ngatoko | May Whanganui Regionals | junior | 1dt | 2 |
357 | Kairakau Ngatoko | Aug Whanganui Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
358 | Kaisar Batyrbekov | March Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 2nd | 1 |
359 | Kane Luo | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
360 | Kane Luo | Aug Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
361 | Katya Anikonov | May Christchurch Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
362 | Kauri Crabb | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
363 | Kavin Nila | June Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
364 | Kavin Nila Vignesh Kumar | Sep Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
365 | Kemi Famurewa | May Hobsonville/Albany Cluster Tournament | junior | Top girl | 2 |
366 | Kemi Famurewa | Sep Checkmate challenge | junior | 2nd | 3 |
367 | Kevin Jose | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
368 | Kevin Kaska | June Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | Tied 3rd | 3 |
369 | Kevin Zhou | Feb Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 2nd | 1 |
370 | Khorus Peretini-Teepa | Aug Whanganui Regionals | Rookie | 1st | 3 |
371 | Kian Lovell | June Rotorua Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
372 | Kian Lovell | Sep Rotorua Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
373 | Kian Lovell | Sep Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
374 | Kim Endino | Sep Checkmate challenge | Senior | 3rd | 3 |
375 | Kisara Hettiarachchi | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | 2nd | 3 |
376 | Kisara Hettiarachchi | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | 2nd | 2 |
377 | Koi Avila | May West coast Regional | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
378 | Kyan Choi | April Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 1st | 1 |
379 | Kylar Fogliani | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
380 | Kyle Hall | Sep Rotorua Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
381 | Kyle Hall | Sep Taupo Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
382 | Kyle Hall | Sep Tauranga Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
383 | Laker Zeng | Sep Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
384 | Lanchlan Taylor | May Central Otago | junior | 3rd | 2 |
385 | Lauren Crawford | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | Top Girl | 2 |
386 | Lawrance Xie | March Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 2nd | 1 |
387 | Le Long | May Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
388 | Leger Schaumkel | May Wairarapa Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
389 | Leger Schaumkel | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
390 | Leger Schaumkel | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
391 | Leo (Yuheng) Li | March Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 3rd | 1 |
392 | Leo (Yuheng) Li | Sep Hamilton Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
393 | Leo Lawton | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
394 | Leo Nguyen | Aug Christchurch Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
395 | Leon Dabrowski | May Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
396 | Leon Dabrowski | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
397 | Leon Gartner | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
398 | Leon Penita-Faatoese | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | 3rd | 3 |
399 | Lexie Ann Corpuz | May Northland Regional | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
400 | Lhorance Tunacao | May Northland Regional | junior | 2nd | 2 |
401 | Lhorance Tunacao | July Northland Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
402 | Liam Alcock | May Invercargill Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
403 | Lily Hayward | Aug Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
404 | Liming Liu | Sep Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
405 | Lincoln Xu | July Auckland Regionals South/East | junior | 3nd | 3 |
406 | Lotte Groot | Aug West Coast Regionals | intermediate | Top girl | 2 |
407 | Lucas MacDonald | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
408 | Lucas Sun | July Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
409 | Lucas Sun | Aug Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
410 | Lucas Wilson Moreno | Aug Nelson Regionals | Rookie | 1st | 2 |
411 | Luka Palliser | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | Senior | 3rd | 3 |
412 | Luke Otuhouma | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
413 | Luna Lu | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | 1st | 3 |
414 | Maan Bhatia | Aug Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 3 |
415 | Mackenzie Clover | May Northland Regional | Top Girl | Tied 3rd | 2 |
416 | Mackenzie Clover | July Northland Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 3 |
417 | Maggie Lin | Sep Tauranga Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
418 | Makaina Beal | May West coast Regional | junior | 3rd | 2 |
419 | Makayla Taylor | Sep Hamilton Regionals | Senior | Top girl | 3 |
420 | Maksim Korolev | July Auckland Regionals North | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
421 | Maksim Korolev | May Devonport Cluster Tournament | junior | 2nd | 2 |
422 | Maksim Korolev | May Hobsonville/Albany Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
423 | Maksim Korolev | June North Shore Central Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
424 | Maksim Korolev | June Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
425 | Maksim Korolev | Sep Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
426 | Malakai Weir-Kaifa | Sep Hauraki Plains Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
427 | Manawa Wilson | May Invercargill Regionals | junior | Top Girl | 2 |
428 | Maoka Hara | Sep Rotorua Regionals | junior | Top girl | 3 |
429 | Marc Celoza | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
430 | Marco Popp | June Rotorua Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
431 | Marcus Evatt | Aug Nelson Regionals | junior | 3rd | 2 |
432 | Mark Zou | May West Auckland Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
433 | Markus Orog | Aug Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 3rd | 3 |
434 | Marlow Kruskopf | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
435 | Marthinus van Zyl | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
436 | Marthinus van Zyl | Sep Taupo Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
437 | Marthinus van Zyl | Aug Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
438 | Martin Zhang | July Auckland Regionals North | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
439 | Mary Dequilla | July Northland Regionals | junior | top Girl | 3 |
440 | Massi Leech | Aug Christchurch Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
441 | Matthew Clement | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
442 | Matthew Clement | July Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
443 | Matthew Jackson | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
444 | Matthew Lee | May West coast Regional | Senior | 1st | 2 |
445 | Max Flooks | Sep Hauraki Plains Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
446 | Maximilian Fang | June Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
447 | Mehul Girhotra | May Invercargill Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
448 | Melaia Mafi-Manu | July Northland Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
449 | Micah Cao | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
450 | Micah Streeter | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
451 | Micah Thompson | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
452 | Michael de Lore | April Sarapu Cup Rotorua | Rooks | 3rd | 1 |
453 | Miheli Fernando | May Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
454 | Mindi Gallage | April Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 1 |
455 | Mindi Gallage | May Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
456 | Mindi Gallage | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | 2nd | 2 |
457 | Mindi Gallage | Aug Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
458 | Mindi Vivanya Gallage | Sep Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
459 | Minh Nhat (Sunny) Truong | Sep Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
460 | Minjoon Kim | Feb Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 3rd | 1 |
461 | Mitchell Kendrick | June Auckland South Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
462 | Mitchell Wang | May Devonport Cluster Tournament | junior | 3rd | 2 |
463 | Mitchell Wang | June North Shore Central Cluster Tournament | junior | 3rd | 2 |
464 | Mohinderpal Singh | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
465 | Molly Beaver | May West coast Regional | intermediate | Top Girl | 2 |
466 | Molly Meek | May West coast Regional | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
467 | Molly Meek | Aug West Coast Regionals | Senior | 3rd | 2 |
468 | Momoka Hudson | May Christchurch Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 2 |
469 | Momoka Hudson | Aug Christchurch Regionals | intermediate | Top girl | 3 |
470 | Monty Close | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
471 | Moses Kim | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
472 | Mya-Dawn Joblin | May Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 2 |
473 | Nate Whitaker | May Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
474 | Nathan Andrew | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
475 | Nathan Bailey | July Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
476 | Neyah MacDonald | Aug West Coast Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
477 | Nickolas Silva | Aug Christchurch Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
478 | Noah Hsiao | June Hamilton Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
479 | Nyla Fulo | Sep Rotorua Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
480 | Nyla Fulo | Aug Sarapu Cup ROTORUA | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
481 | Ocean Edwards | July Northland Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
482 | Odin King | Aug West Coast Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
483 | Okitha babaranda | May Invercargill Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
484 | Okitha Babaranda | Aug Invercargill Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
485 | Oliver Baldwin | April Checkmate challenge | Senior | 3rd | 1 |
486 | Oliver Baldwin | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
487 | Oliver Baldwin | June Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1St | 2 |
488 | Oliver Baldwin | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | Senior | 1st | 2 |
489 | Oliver Reid | July Northland Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
490 | Olivia Li | July Auckland Regionals South/East | junior | 1st | 3 |
491 | Olivia Li | May Howick Schools (including Pakuranga) Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
492 | Omar M M Hashem | May Christchurch Regionals | Rookie | 1st | 2 |
493 | Oni Gataua | May Northland Regional | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
494 | Oscar Gulbransen | May Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
495 | Oscar M Petersen | May Superchamps | grade | Tied 3rd | 2 |
496 | Otavio Souza | Aug West Coast Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
497 | Owen Stanford | Aug Whanganui Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
498 | Owen Su | May Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
499 | Paul Michael | Sep Rotorua Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
500 | Paul Michael | Sep Taupo Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
501 | Paul Michael | Sep Tauranga Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
502 | Pierce Cloake | Aug Whanganui Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
503 | Porscha Kim | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
504 | Prathibha Bandara | Aug Sarapu Cup North shore | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
505 | Prathibha Nethsarani Bandara | July Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 3 |
506 | Pratyush Khatiwada | Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
507 | Quinn Hamon | July Northland Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 3 |
508 | Quinn Song | Sep Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
509 | Quinn Stevenson | Sep Taupo Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
510 | Raeha Parekh | June Hamilton Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 2 |
511 | Ranuga Ekanayake | June Hamilton Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
512 | Ranuga Ekanayake | June Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
513 | Rayan (Rui'en) Chen | April Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 2nd | 1 |
514 | Rebecca Khatri | June Rotorua Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
515 | Rebecca Zhao | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | top Girl | 3 |
516 | Rebecca Zhao | May West Auckland Cluster Tournament | junior | top Girl | 2 |
517 | Regina Liang | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 2 |
518 | Reilly Blackmore | June Hamilton Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
519 | Rex Chen | June Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
520 | Rex Chen | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
522 | Rex Chen | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
523 | Riaan Joshi | Aug Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
524 | Richard Wessels | Sep Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
525 | Riki Tanaka-McLean | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
526 | Riley Parker-Ord | Sep Taupo Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
527 | Rishi Suryavanshi | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
528 | Ron Geilik | May Invercargill Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
529 | Rooney Lai | July Auckland Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 3 |
530 | Rooney Lai | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
531 | Rory Murphy | May West coast Regional | junior | 1st | 2 |
532 | Rory Murphy | Aug West Coast Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
533 | Rose Connon | May Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 2 |
534 | Ross Williams | June Auckland South Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
535 | Roy MacKay | May Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
536 | Ryan (Rui'en) Chen | June Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
537 | Ryan (Yueyan) Chen | June Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
538 | Ryan (Yueyan) Chen | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 1St | 2 |
539 | Ryan Chen | March Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 3rd | 1 |
540 | Ryan Gao | April Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 2nd | 1 |
541 | Ryan Hwang | March Checkmate challenge | Senior | 2nd | 1 |
542 | Ryan Hwang | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
543 | Ryan Hwang | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
544 | Ryan Jia | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
545 | Ryan Smith | July Northland Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
546 | Ryan Yiheng Zhou | May Superchamps | grade | Tied 3rd | 2 |
547 | Ryan Zhou | Feb Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 1 |
548 | Ryan Zhou | March Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 1st | 1 |
549 | Ryan Zhou | Aug Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 2nd | 3 |
550 | Sam Buico | May Whanganui Regionals | Rookie | 1st | 2 |
551 | Sam Buico | Aug Whanganui Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
552 | Sam Davis | May Central Otago | junior | 1st | 2 |
553 | Sam Wahrlich | March Checkmate challenge | junior | 1st | 1 |
554 | Samantha Coleman | May Invercargill Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
555 | Sammy Dulin Shattky | May Central Otago | junior | 2nd | 2 |
556 | Samuel Carpenter | May Nelson Regional | junior | 2nd | 2 |
557 | Samuel Reid | July Northland Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
558 | Samuel Reid | June Auckland South Cluster Tournament | junior | 2nd | 2 |
559 | Samuel Sunny | Aug West Coast Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
560 | Sanay Sainath Pai | July Checkmate challenge | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
561 | Sanjay Narayan | April Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 2nd | 1 |
562 | Sasandu Kiwulegedara | Aug Invercargill Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
563 | Satvik Bhardwaj | Sep Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 2nd | 3 |
564 | Sebastien B | May Checkmate challenge | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
565 | Sebby Skedgwell | May Whanganui Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
566 | Selwin de Haast | Sep Checkmate challenge | Senior | 1st | 3 |
567 | Selwin de Haast | July Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
568 | Selwyn de Haast | Aug Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
569 | Seth Holten | Sep Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | Tied 3rd | 3 |
570 | Sethin Peiris | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
571 | Shane Murdoch | June Hamilton Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
572 | Shane Murdoch | July Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
573 | Shane Murdoch | Sep Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
574 | Shawn Jeng | Aug Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
575 | Shihiran Samarawickrama | May Christchurch Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
576 | Shihiran Samarawickrama | April Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | Tied 3rd | 1 |
577 | Shihiran Samarawickrama | May Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 3rd | 2 |
578 | Shreyan Arora | May Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
579 | Shreyan Arora | July Auckland Regionals North | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
580 | Shreyan Arora | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
581 | Sia Pai | Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | Senior | Top girl | 2 |
582 | Silas Gelberger | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
583 | Siyoon Lee | Sep Tauranga Regionals | Senior | Top girl | 3 |
584 | Sourav Dhungel | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
585 | Sreenikesh Miriyala | May Wellington Central Regionals | junior | 3rd | 2 |
586 | Sreenikesh Miriyala | Aug Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | 1st | 3 |
587 | Sunny Tian | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | Senior | 3rd | 2 |
588 | Swarun Arun | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
589 | Tairize Raureti | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
590 | Tamba Kortequee | June Rotorua Regionals | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
591 | Tamsyn Campbell | May Invercargill Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
592 | Teerth Rao | April Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 1 |
593 | Teerth Rao | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
594 | Teremai Te Ripo | June Hauraki Plains (Ngatea) Regionals | Senior | top Girl | 2 |
595 | Theo Culf | May Checkmate challenge | junior | 2nd | 2 |
596 | Theo Hill | May Wellington Central Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
597 | Thinh Vu | Sep Tauranga Regionals | junior | 3rd | 3 |
598 | Thomas Voyce | May Nelson Regional | junior | 1st | 2 |
599 | Thomas Voyce | Aug Nelson Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
600 | Tiaki Hamlin | June Sarapu Cup Whanganui | Rooks | 3rd | 3 |
601 | Tiffany Zhang | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | intermediate | Top girl | 2 |
602 | Til Guernth | June Hauraki Plains (Ngatea) Regionals | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
603 | Toby Burgess | June Auckland South Cluster Tournament | junior | 1st | 2 |
604 | Toby Read | Feb Online Sarapu Cup | Kings | 3rd | 1 |
605 | Toka Callaghan | Sep Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
606 | Tokusho Littlewood | May Sarapu Cup Hamilton | Rooks | 1st | 2 |
607 | Trey Koia-Hamling | Sep Hauraki Plains Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
608 | Tyler Rust | July Auckland Regionals West/Central | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
609 | Tyler Stimpson | Aug Horowhenua/Kapiti Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
610 | Ujawal Parajuli | Aug Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
611 | Úna Griffiths | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | junior | Top girl | 3 |
612 | Urja Karanam | June Hamilton Regionals | junior | top Girl | 2 |
613 | Vedik Parsad | May Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
614 | Vedik Parsad | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
615 | Vicky Chen | May Invercargill Regionals | junior | 2nd | 2 |
616 | Vidhur Kannan | April Checkmate challenge | junior | 2nd | 1 |
617 | Vidhur Kannan | May Checkmate challenge | junior | 1st | 2 |
618 | Vidhur Kannan | July Auckland Regionals North | junior | 1st | 3 |
619 | Vidhur Kannan | May Hobsonville/Albany Cluster Tournament | junior | 3rd | 2 |
620 | Vidhur Kannan | July Sarapu Cup North Shore | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
621 | Vidhur Kannan | Aug Checkmate challenge | junior | 1st | 3 |
622 | Vidhur Kannan | Aug Sarapu Cup North shore | Rooks | 1st | 3 |
623 | Vidhur Kannan | June Checkmate Chalenge | junior | 1st | 2 |
624 | Vihaan Bala | Feb Sarapu Cup Central Auckland | Kings | 2nd | 1 |
625 | Vihaan Morem | May Auckland South & East Cluster Tournament | intermediate | Tied 3rd | 2 |
626 | Vijay Mail Gopinath | May Auckland Central Cluster Tournament | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
627 | Viknej Sathasivam | May Wairarapa Regionals | junior | 1st | 2 |
628 | Viknej Sathasivam | Aug Wellington Hutt Valley Regionals | junior | 2nd | 3 |
629 | Viknej Sathasivam | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
630 | Vincent (Hoang Minh) Nguyen | May Christchurch Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
631 | Vitek Mencl | Aug Christchurch Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
632 | Whitimai Witoko-Clair | June Rotorua Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
633 | Whitimai Witoko-Clair | Sep Rotorua Regionals | Senior | 2nd | 3 |
634 | William Ahn | Sep Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
635 | William Gawith | May Wairarapa Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
636 | William Gawith | Aug Wairarapa Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 3 |
637 | William Johnston | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | junior | 3rd | 3 |
638 | William Kaufman | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | Senior | 1st | 2 |
639 | William Kaufman | Aug Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | 1st | 3 |
640 | William Liu | July Auckland Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
641 | William Liu | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
642 | Willow Jarvis | Aug West Coast Regionals | junior | Top girl | 2 |
643 | Xavier Chen | July Checkmate challenge | junior | 1St | 2 |
644 | Xeuz Osorio | Aug West Coast Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
645 | Xinyi Xu | July Auckland Regionals | intermediate | top Girl | 3 |
646 | Xuanxuan Zhang | May Christchurch Regionals | intermediate | 3rd | 2 |
647 | Yahya Mir | May Timaru/Oamaru Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
648 | Yanbo Jin | July Auckland Regionals | Senior | 1st | 3 |
649 | Yanbo Jin | May Superchamps | grade | 1st | 2 |
650 | Yao Yao Cai | Aug Wellington Central Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 3 |
651 | Yinuo (Noah) Wang | May Checkmate challenge | Senior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
652 | Yinuo (Noah) Wang | May North Shore and East Coast Bays Cluster Tournament | Senior | 3rd | 2 |
653 | Youseff Rajab | May Northland Regional | intermediate | 1st | 2 |
654 | Yue Heng Ma | May Dunedin Regionals | junior | Top Girl | 2 |
655 | Yuosmunea Heng | May Nelson Regional | Senior | 2nd | 2 |
656 | Yuvaan Dutt | Sep Checkmate challenge | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
657 | Zach Lovell | Sep Taupo Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
658 | Zach Lovell | Sep Rotorua Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 3 |
659 | Zander Roughan | Aug Invercargill Regionals | junior | Tied 3rd | 2 |
660 | Zaviah Aranga | Aug West Coast Regionals | intermediate | 2nd | 2 |
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